



1. IC 常见英文单词缩写

1.1 原理图设计相关

LSB—Least Most Significant Bit 最低有效位

LPF—Low-Pass Filter 低通滤波器

MSB—Most Significant Bit 最高有效位

SAR ADC—Successive Approximation Register Analog to Digital Converter 逐次逼近寄存器数模转换

TIA—Transimpedance Amplifier 跨阻放大器

VLSI—Very Large Scale Integration 超大规模集成电路

1.2 软件相关

1.2.1 Virtuoso软件相关

ADE—Analog Design Environment

AMS—Analog Mixed Signal

CDL—Circuit Description Language

CDF—Component Description Format

CIW—Cadence Interaction Windows

CWD—Current Working Directory

DRD—Design Rule Driven

LSW—Layer Selection Windows

LPP—Layer-purpose pairs

LEF—Library Exchange Format

P-Cell—Parameterized Cells

ROD—Relative Object Design

1.2.2 Calibre软件相关

CCI—Calibre Connectivity Interface

DRM—Design Rule Manage

DRC—Design Rules Check 设计规则检查

ERC—Electrical Rule Check 电气规则检查

LPE—Layout Parasitic Extraction

LVS—Layout Versus Schematic 版图和原理图比对

PEX—Post Extract 后抽取

PERC—Programmable Electrical Rules Check 可编程电气规则检查

RVE—Results Viewing Environment

1.3 工艺相关

BEOL—Back-end of layout—after contact,m1、v1、m2、v2…..passivation、AP、RV

CP—Chip Probing

CMOS—Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor

CMP—Chemical Mechanical Polishing  化学机械抛光

CVD—Chemical Vapor Deposition 化学蒸汽沉积

DFM—Design For Manufacture

DFT—Design For Test

DUT—Device Under Test 被测器件

DTI—Deep Trench Isolation 深槽隔离(new add)

EM—Electro Migration 电迁移

ESL—Etch Stop Layer 蚀刻停止层

FEOL—Front-end of layout—before contact,that is NW、AA(OD/DIFF)、PO、NN、NP….

FinFET—Fin Field-Effect Transistor

FIB—Focused Ion Beam聚焦离子束(失效分析的一种)

HCI—Hot Carrier Inject 热载流子注入

ICT—Interconnect Technology

ITF—Interconnect Technology Format

LPCVD—Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition 低压化学汽相沉积

LOCOS—Local Oxidation of Silicon 硅局部氧化

LDD—Lightly Doped Drain 轻掺杂漏

LOD—Length of Diffusion effect

LDD—Lightly Doped Drain 轻掺杂漏

MPW—Multi-Production Wafer

MOM—Metal Oxide Metal  金属-氧化物-金属电容

Mono-Si—Monocrystalline Silicon 单晶硅

OPC—Optical Proximity Correction光掩膜校准

OSE—OD Space Effect

OTP—Over Temperature Protection 过温保护

PDK—Process Design Kit

PECVD—Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition 等离子体增强化学汽相沉积

PVD—Physical Vapor Deposition 物理汽相沉积

PSE—Poly Space Effect


Poly-Si—Polycrystalline Silicon 多晶硅

RDL—Redistribution Layer 重新分布层


RPO—Resist Protection Oxide 抗氧化保护

STI—Shallow Trench Isolation 浅槽隔离

Salicide—Self Aligned Silicide 自对准多晶硅化物

SCR—Silicon-Controlled Rectifier 硅控整流器

TCD—Test-key Critical Dimension

TFR—Thin Film Resistor 薄膜电阻(new add)

UTM—Ultra thick Top Metal

WPE —Well Proximity Effect阱邻近效应

1.4 ESD相关

CDM—Charged Device Model 元件充电模型

ESD—Electro Static Discharge 静电放电

HBM—Human Body Model 人体模型

MM—Machine Model 机器模型

2. Package常见英文单词缩写

2.1 封装工艺相关

CoW—Chip On Wafer

CoWoS—Chip on Wafer on Substrate

FC—Flip Chip 倒装芯片

FIWLP—Fan-in Wafer Level Package

FOWLP—Fan-out Wafer Level Package

FOPLP—Fan-Out Panel Level Package

HBM—High Bandwidth Memory

InFO—Integrated Fan-Out

TSV—Through Silicon Via 硅通孔

UBM—Under Bump Mteallurgy 凸点下金属化层

WLCSP—Wafer Level Chip Scale Package

WoW—Wafer On Wafer

